Selasa, 13 Oktober 2009


About Greenpeace

Greenpeace exists because this fragile earth deserves a voice. It needs solutions. It needs change. It needs action.

☻ An independent global campaigning organisation.

☻ Founded in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada in 1971.

☻ Has national and regional offices in 42 countries worldwide.

☻ Acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and conserve the environment.

☻ Present in 40 countries across Europe, the Americas, Asia and the Pacific.

☻ Non Provit Organization :

♥ Does not accept donations from governments or corporations.

♥ Relies on contributions from individual supporters and foundation grants

☻ Promote peace by:

Catalysing an energy revolution

♥ Defending our oceans

Protecting the world’s ancient forests

Working for disarmament and peace

Creating a toxic free future

Campaining for sustainable agriculture

The history of Greenpeace

1971 - Motivated by their vision of a green and peaceful world, a small team of activists set sail from Vancouver, Canada, in an old fishing boat.

1972 - After the first Greenpeace action in 1971, the US abandons nuclear testing grounds at Amchitka Island, Alaska.

1978 - Greenpeace actions halt the grey seal slaughter in the Orkney Islands, Scotland.

1983 - The Parties to the London Dumping Convention call for a moratorium on radioactive waste dumping at sea. As a result of Greenpeace's repeated actions against ocean dumping.

1991 - Major German publishers go chlorine-free after Greenpeace produces chlorine-free edition of Der Spiegel as part of campaign against chlorine-bleaching.

1992 - France cancels this year's nuclear tests at Moruroa Atoll, following the Rainbow Warrior visit to the test zone, and vows to halt altogether if other nuclear nations follow suit.

1995 - Following a submission made with Greenpeace support, UNESCO designates Russia's Komi Forest as a World Heritage Site.

Greenpeace stopped the dumping of the Brent Spar and other at-sea installations, in a campaign against using the oceans as a dumping ground.

Greenpeace victories

May 2, 2007: Apple announces a phase-out of the most dangerous chemicals in its product line in response to a Webby-award winning online campaign by Greenpeace and Apple fans worldwide. The campaign challenged Apple to become a green leader in addressing the electronic waste problem.

February 15, 2007: In a major blow to the UK government's plans to reinvigorate nuclear power, the High Court rules their decision to back a programme of new nuclear power stations was unlawful on the basis that they had failed to adequately consult citizens and groups who oppose nuclear power as a dangerous distraction from real solutions to climate change.

May 31, 2006: Despite heavy lobbying by the nuclear power industry, Spain has confirmed that the country's 8 operating plants will be phased out in favour of clean, renewable energy. Spain joins Sweden, Germany, Italy and Belgium as the fifth European country to abandon nuclear power.

November 24, 2005 - The city of Buenos Aires announces plans to implement a zero waste policy after a campaign by Greenpeace in Argentina. The plan aims to reduce dramatically the 4-5000 tonnes of waste the city dumps every day. Buenos Aires is the largest city so far to announce a zero waste plan.

October 22, 2004: A decade of lobbying, scientific research, and direct non-violent action by Greenpeace and environmental groups around the world comes to fruition as Russia ratifies the Kyoto Protocol, bringing to force the world's sole global effort to address the dangers of global warming.

1997: Greenpeace collects the UNEP Ozone Award for the development of Greenfreeze, a domestic refrigerator free of ozone depleting and significant global warming chemicals.

Our core values

Greenpeace's cornerstone principles and core values are reflected in all our environmental campaign work, worldwide. These are:

  • We 'bear witness' to environmental destruction in a peaceful, non-violent manner;

We use non-violent confrontation to raise the level and quality of public debate;

In exposing threats to the environment and finding solutions we have no permanent allies or adversaries;

We ensure our financial independence from political or commercial interests;

We seek solutions for, and promote open, informed debate about society's environmental choices.


There is a lot to be done when protecting the planet for future generations and help is always welcome.

A Greenpeace volunteer helps to survey protected forest in the Amazon. A member of our cyberactivist community, he responded to a call for highly skilled volunteers at the Action Forum.

Greenpeace International is based in Amsterdam and we have volunteering opportunities from time to time for those who are interested in helping us out in the office and, occasionally, in the field.

If you meet the above conditions and would like to volunteer at our office in Amsterdam, the Netherlands you need to send an email to, with a copy of your resume, letting us know which department you would like to volunteer.

You can also take action with us via your computer by signing up as a cyberactivist.


Theory Of organization

A team of research anthropologists once described a large, complex business composed of twenty-four divisions evenly distributed through the United States and linked together by a nine-member central governing body. Member of this business are drawn primarily from one ethnic group.

In chapter 1

We present an overview of three schools of thought on the term organization.

Our specific objectives are these:

  1. To define and illustrate the term organization
  2. To describe, illustrate, and list the key concepts of the following schools of thought on business organizations:
    1. Classical school
    2. Human relations school
    3. Social systems school
  3. To list the questions that each of three schools asks about organizations
  4. to discuss the important theorists and their contributions to each school of thought
  5. to examine the communications implications in the three school of thought

1. Overview and Definition

Have 3 part in subject:

  • The classical theory of organization
  • The human relations school thought
  • The school of thought

The classical theory of organization asks such questions as the following: How is the work divided? How is the labor force divided? How many levels of authority and control are there? How many people are there at each level? What are the specific job functions of each person?

The human relations school of thought studies work group of people and asks such questions as the following: what roles do people assume in the organization? What status relationships result from the various roles? What are the morale and attitudes of the people? What social and psychological needs do the people have? What informal groups are there within the organization?

The third school of thought is concerned with social systems and emphasizes the relationship of the parts to the whole organization. Questions commonly asked by this approach are these: What are the key parts of the organization? How do they relate interdependently to each other? What processes in the organization? What is the relationship between the organization and its environment?

2. The classical School

Robert Townsend’s advice about organization charts in Up the organization demonstrates the existence of the classical school:

Don’t print and circulate organization charts. They mislead you and everybody else into wasting time conning one another. Anyway, you probably spend a major fraction of your time dealing directly with people who aren’t really above or below you on the chart. Don’t let yourself be side but below you on the chart, you may be tempted to ignore them. Summon them to your office, or to enlist their required support in advance, you should go to them at their convenience to explain and persuade.

The head of the mail room or the chief telephone operator may hold your destiny someday. Figure out who’s important to your effectiveness and then treat him (or her) that way:

It wouldn’t hurt to assume, in short, that every man- and woman- is a human being, not a rectangle.

We can see this picture. This is the classical theory of organization is concerned almost entirely with the structure of the formal organization.

The classical theory of organization is concerned almost entirely with the design and structure of organizations, not with people. The chief tool is the organization chart. Around World War. Classical theory evolved from the scientific management movement in which man was described as a rational, economic being who can best be motivated to work by such carrot and stick techniques as piecework systems, bonus systems, time and motion studies, and cost figuring systems.

The other example of scientific management in practice concerns the manager of an agency who requires all employees to time their interviews with clients, record the number of minutes involved in clerical work, and calculate the average length of an interview and the average time involved in written work.

Two foremost scholars of the classical school. Were Hendri Fayol and Max Weber. Others were James Mooney and Alan Reiley, Luther Gulick, And Lyndall Urwick, and Chester Barnard.

Among the recommended principles of management, Fayol included the following:

  1. Division of work (specialization)
  2. Authority and responsible (power)
  3. Discipline (obedience)
  4. Unity of command (one boss)
  5. Unity of direction (one plan)
  6. Subordination of individual interest to general interest (concern for the organization first)
  7. Remuneration of personnel (fair pay)
  8. Centralization (consolidation)
  9. Scalar chain (chain of command)
  10. Order (everyone has a unique position)
  11. equity (firm but fair)
  12. stability of tenure of personnel (low turnover)
  13. Initiative (thinking out a plan)
  14. Esprit de corps (high morale)

Max Weber took issue with the Fayol’s view of classical organization theory, distinguishing between inherent authority (traditional power, which may have been illegitimate) and legitimate authority (earned, respected, established by norms, rational and legal). Legitimate authority provided the foundation for what ever called “bureaucracy”. According to him. A bureaucracy is an organization having the following characteristics:

  1. Continuity dependent upon adherence to rules
  2. Areas of competence in which workers share the work and work toward specific goals under predetermined leaders
  3. Scalar (hierarchical) principals
  4. Rulers that are either norms or technical principles
  5. Separation of administrative staff and ownership of production devices
  6. Separation of private belongings and the organization’s equipment
  7. resources free from outside control
  8. structure in which no administrator ca monopolize personnel positions
  9. All administrative acts, rules, policies, etc… stated in writing

Division of labor is refers to how a given amount of week is divided among the available human resources. The division can be according to the nature of the various jobs or according to the amount of responsibility and authority each person assumes.

Scalar and functional is scalar refers to the levels of the hierarchy (the chain command) in the organization. Functional refers to the specific job duties of each employee in the organization. The scalar process at a university refers to how authority is allocated among the board of regents, the university president, the vice presidents, the dcans, the department chairman, the faculty members, the administration staff, and the student.

The functional process at a university refers to how job responsibilities are assigned to faculty, clerical, maintenance, and administrative personnel.

3. The Human Relations School

Approximately ten years after the scientific managers began to publish their recommendations for organizing workers, a group of researchers from National Academy of Sciences began to study the relationship between production and lightning intensity at Western Electric Company. Their study did not find a relationship. Soon afterward another group of researchers, from the Havard Business School, under the leadership of Elton Mayo, Began a series of projects at the same plant. Their research also tested the relationship between worker output and working conditions. They also found no relationship, but they did notice one interesting phenomenon.

The human relations theory of organization states that people-oriented management is more effective that production-oriented management.

The basic logic of the human relation approach was to increase concern for workers by allowing them to participate in decision making, by being more friendly, and by calling them by their first names, which improved workers satisfaction and morale. The net outcome would be lower resistance to and improved compliance with management’s authority.

Another example of the strict human relations approach to management is offered by the manager in a small organization who practiced the following behaviors.

4. The social Systems School

This example illustrates the underlying logic inherent in the social systems school of organization: all parts affect the whole; every action has repercussions throughout the organization.

We defined an organization as an open system whose parts all related to its whole and its environment. We stated that all parts of an organization are interdependent or interlocking because all parts within the system. Called subsystems, affect and are affected by each other. This means simply that a change in any part of the system will affect all other. This means simply that a change in any part of the system will affect all other parts of the system.

The systems concept is useful because of its strong emphasis upon these interrelationships. These interrelationships are stressed as being of primary importance. The role of management is seen as the management of interrelationships. This emphasis avoids some of the pitfalls of a “components” mentality in which departments work out their own relationships in a haphazard manner.

Because of the importance of interrelationships. The “fast-track” system for determining immediately the likely success of new executives. New employees are asked to produce within one month a list of the major job objectives they consider to be included in their responsibility. Next, they must identify who in the organization (people,department,units0 both influence and are influenced by these objectives.

Finally, they must list the resources and information they will need from these other people and units and what the other people and units will need from them.

Scott likened organization theory to general systems theory because both study the following factors:

  1. Paris (individuals) in aggregates and movement of individuals into and out of the system
  2. Interaction of individuals with the environment of the system
  3. Interactions among individuals in the systems
  4. general growth and stability problems of systems

Huse and Bowditch summarized the main characteristics that define an organization as a system:

  1. Composed of a number of subsystems, all of which are interdependent and interrelated
  2. Open and dynamic, having inputs, outputs, operations, feedback, and boundaries.
  3. Striving for balance through both positive and negative feedback
  4. With a multiplicity of purpose, functions, and objectives, some of which are in conflict, which the administrator strives to balance




On the introduction stage and during its first launching, POND’S only product was POND’S Cleansing Face Soap. Along with its progress, in growth stage up till maturity stage, POND’S has created innovation in producing night cream and fleck remover cream which has succeeded in the market, called: POND’S FLAWLESS WHITE.



· POND’S has many good quality products which care for and restore the skin’s natural balance. The varieties include Cleanser Shaker, Facial Foam, and Night Cream.

· Our products are free from toxic and mercury.

· POND’s products are easy to be found in department stores, especially in Jakarta.

· The packaging of POND’S products are eye-catching, suitable for its target market who are feminine and place beauty in priorities.


· POND’S FLAWLESS WHITE only has one size of packaging. This may trouble the consumers who would like to buy a bigger size one, and the new consumers who would like trials.

· It has only one fragrance.

· The distribution of POND’S FLAWLESS WHITE is not quite well-spread. It has not reached traditional shops in the remote villages of Indonesia.

· The price of POND’S FLAWLESS WHITE is quite high.


· POND’S is popular amongst Indonesian customers which would bring trustworthiness if POND’S is to launch another chain of its products.

· POND’S still has a large opportunity to market its products to other cities and areas throughout Indonesia.


· Affordable price of internationally well known cosmetics.

· There is a growth in the number of people who put their trust more on skin-care doctors, for example: Erha Clinic.

· There are people who misuse the packaging of POND’s to be exchanged with other products with less quality.


1. Strategy:

Enhance POND’S brand loyalty and trustworthiness amongst its customers and new customers.


Promotion: Creating events based on customer care. For example: skin tests in various department stores attended by public figures. These events should be made as astonishing as possible to attract attention.

People: These events should be served by beautiful SPGs (Sales Promotion Girl) who have adequate knowledge in POND’S products.

Physical Evidence: The set building and decoration of the events should be made suitable for POND’S target market. Mostly with the colour of pink, red, and white; similar to the packaging of POND’S products.

2. Strategy:

Increase sales.


Price: With the exact same price, POND’S should make a “BUY 2 GET 1 FREE” promo. This would make the customers purchase not only one single product, but two at the same time.

Distribution: Broaden the distribution of POND’S products also in less popular towns and in smaller cities throughout Indonesia by building sales agents.

People: Because POND’S is new to these cities, the sales agents and also the new customers should be provided with product-trainings. This would make the products become user-friendly and create a bond between POND’S and its customers.

3. Strategy:

Increase the brand image of POND’S as well as to increase sales by creating the extravagant event of Miss POND’S 2009.


Promotion: This event of the year should be made extravagant and shown live in national public broadcast (television station). The registries could only enter into the competition by filling a form attached to POND’S products. This aim to increase sales.

People: The public figures who have starred in various POND’S advertisements should be brought together in this event. The winner of Miss POND’S 2009 would be the ambassador of POND’S of the year.


Republic of Brazil

Total area: 8,511,965 km

Kota-Kota Besar : São Paulo, 18,333,000 (metro. area), 10,927,985 (city proper); Rio de Janeiro, 11,469,000 (metro. area), 6,094,183 (city proper); Salvador, 2,590,400; Belo Horizonte, 2,347,500; Recife, 1,485,500; Porto Alegre, 1,372,700

A. International Trade (Perdagangan Internasional)

Perdagangan internasional negara Brazil meliputi ekspor impor yang mencakup barang, jasa, dan modal/capital. Barang-barang ekspor utama Brazil adalah kopi, peralatan transportasi, kacang kedelai dan barang-barang otomotif. Sedangkan untuk ekspor jasa Brazil adalah tenaga kerja. Untuk barang-barang yang diimpor ke Brazil meliputi karet., mobil, lokomotif, dsb.Jasa impor Brazil sendiri meliputi pembangunan jalan dan transportasi. Pada perdagangan mereka, Brazil juga memiliki partner utama yaitu The US, Cina, Belanda, Jerman, Meksiko, Nigeria, dan Jepang.

b. Economic Conditions (Keadaan Ekonomi)

Menurut data-data ekonomi tahun 2007 : GDP ($1.836 trillion; per capita $9,700). Inflasi : 3.6%. Unemployment: 9.3%. Income (pendapatan): Tingkat pendapatan Brazil meningkat pada tahun 2007. Neraca berjalan Brazil mencapai surplus US$146 juta pada Apri 2007l, naik dibanding defisit yang dicatat pada Maret US$1,64 miliar serta US$3,04 miliar April tahun lalu, Bank Sentral Brazil mengatakan.

Itu merupakan surplus pertama dalam neraca berjalan negara itu sejak mencatat surplus sebesar US$548 juta pada September 2007.

c. Political/Legal Stability (Polotik/Kestabilan Hukum)

Konstitusi 1988 memberikan kekuasaan yang besar pada pemerintah federal. Presiden Brasil memegang kekuasaan eksekutif yang besar seperti menunjuk kabinet, dan sebagai kepala negara dan pemerintahan. Presiden dan wakil presiden dipilih bersamaan dalam pemilihan umum 4 tahun sekali. Kongres Nasionalnya (Congresso Nacional) adalah sebuah badan bikameral yang terdiri dari Senat Federal (Senado Federal) dan Câmara dos Deputados yang masing-masing terdiri dari 81 dan 513 kursi dengan masa jabatan yang berbeda.

Munculnya kekuatan kiri tidak terlepas dari pergeseran preferensi publik Brazil. Selama abad ke-20, beberapa partai politik mengembangkan posisi ideologis yang jelas. Partai politik juga merepresentasikan kepentingan-kepentingan kelompok dan regional, juga sebagai kendaraan bagi kepentingan politik seseorang. Ini memudahkan warga negara untuk mengidentifikasikan dirinya, atau setidaknya memberikan suara kepada partai yang simpatis.

Rezim militer pernah melakukan penghapusan partai politik pada tahun 1965. sebagai gantinya diciptakanlah struktur dua partai yang di dalamnya terdapat partai yang didukung oleh pemerintah the National Renovating Alliance, dan sebuah oposisi, the Brazilian Democratic Movement. Setelah militer berinisiatif untuk menghadirkan kembali demokrasi, partai-partai baru disetujui untuk berdiri pada 1979.

Partai-partai besar dari kubu kiri yang kemudian muncul adalah Partido da Social-Democracia Brasileira (Partai Sosial Demokratik Brazil) dan Partido dos Trabalhadores (Partai Pekerja) yang berdiri pada posisi tengah-kiri. Dalam Pemilihan Umum tahun 2006, sebetulnya banyak di antara partai yang berkompetisi termasuk dalam spektrum kiri (kiri-tengah hingga kiri ekstrim) seperti Partido Comunista do Brasil, Partido Popular Socialista, dan Partido Socialista Brasileiro namun suara yang mereka peroleh tidak cukup signifikan.

Partai dari kubu tengah yang besar adalah Partido do Movimento Democrático Brasileiro (Partai Pergrakan Demokratik Brazil).

Kalangan liberal diwakili oleh Partido da Frente Liberal (Partai Front Liberal), dan Partito Trabalhista Brasileiro (Partai Buruh Brazil) pada posisi tengah-kanan. Sedangkan Partido Progresista (Partai Progresif) adalah representasi sayap kanan politik Liberal.

Banyak dari partai-partai ini berakar dari partai-partai yang dibubarkan pada 1964. satu-satunya partai yang berakar dari kekuatan baru adalah Partido dos Trabalhadores, yang lahir dari para pekerja militan oposisi yang melakukan perlawanan terhadap diktator militer, khususnya di São Paulo. Salah satu fenomena yang menarik adalah; pada Pemilihan Umum 2006, tidak sedikit partai yang mengatasnamakan dirinya partai pekerja. Selain Partido dos Trabalhadores, ada nama-nama seperti Partido da Causa Operária, Partido Socialista dos Trabalhadores Unificado, Partido Trabalhista, atau Partido Trabalhista Cristão.

D. Environmental Issues (Lingkungan)

Perubahan di hutan Amazon, berubah dari hutan hujan tropis ke scrubland. Hal ini berdampak pada konsekuensi serius untuk spesies makhluk hidup yang ada di Brazil terutama pada hutan Global warming, lebih ke permasalahan efek rumah hijau (greenhouse effect), yang merupakan hasil dari konsentrasi gas yang berlebihan di atmosfir dan hal ini menyebabkan kuantitas panas meningkat tajam dalam bumi dari level normal According to researchers who study this question, the warming has been caused in large part by human activities and vehicular carbon dioxide (CO²) emissions.

Di Brazil, deforestation is singled out as the greatest source of climatic irregularities. The 2005 Guinness Book of Records names the country as world titleholder in deforested area over the last 100 years.

Menurut Furtado, bila negara ini memproduksi semua tipe polusi gas, maka ini akan memakan waktu 50 tahun untuk memperbaiki kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh polusi tersebut. Nevertheless, Furtado affirms, some short-term measures are possible. Examples are the use of renewable energy sources, the elaboration and implementation of government policies to inhibit dirty technologies, and, most of all, orientation of the population.

E. Demografis

Population-Populasi (2008 est.): 191,908,598 (growth rate: 0.9%); birth rate: 16.0/1000; infant mortality rate: 26.6/1000; life expectancy: 72.5; density per sq km: 22

Languages (Bahasa) : Portuguese (official), Spanish, English, French

Ethnicity/race: white 53.7%, mulatto (mixed white and black) 38.5%, black 6.2%, other (includes Japanese, Arab, Amerindian) 0.9%, unspecified 0.7% (2000)

Education (pendidikan) : Sistem Pendidikan Brasil mencakup lembaga-lembaga pemerintah (federal, negara-negara bagian dan kotamadya), serta lembaga swasta. Jenjang pendidikan dimulai dari tingkat prasekolah, sekolah dasar (Tingkat Dasar- I Grau ), dan tingkat menengah (Tingkat Kedua- II Grau ) sampai universitas dan tingkat pasca sarjana.

Pendidikan wajib bagi anak usia 7-14 tahun. Undang-Undang Dasar Brasil 1988 mengalokasikan sekurang-kurangnya 25% dari pendapatan pajak negara bagian untuk pendidikan. Di tahun 2000, 91% dari semua anak-anak Brasil usia 10-14 tahun bersekolah.
Pemerintah Federal mendirikan sekurang-kurangnya satu universitas federal di setiap negara bagian. Pada tahun 1996 amandemen baru Undang-Undang Dasar dibuat, memungkinkan bagi para professor dan ilmuwan asing untuk menjadi pengajar di universitas Brasil.
Kini di Brasil ada lebih dari 1.000 program pasca sarjana yang memiliki dosen pengajar yang mutunya setara dengan institusi sejenis di negara-negara maju

F. Technological (Teknologi)

Teknologi dan oerkembangan teknologi di Brazil sudah dibilang sangat maju. Hal ini mungkin dikarenakan Brazil yang terletak di benua Amerika yang bisa dibilang tempat Negara-negara maju. Misalnya saja perusahaan asal Brazil, Rio Sagrado, memperkenalkan teknologi Bionat-HM sebagai teknologi baru penanggulangan dan pencegahan kebakaran hutan. Teknologi baru dari Brazil tersebut merupakan produk dari Rio Sagrado Biochemical Ltda. Produk ini selain dapat menanggulangi kebakaran lahan dan hutan, diyakini juga dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah di sekitarnya.

G. Economic System (Sistem Ekonomi)

Sistem ekonomi liberal klasik. Adalah suatu filosofi ekonomi dan politis. Mula-mula ditemukan pada suatu tradisi penerangan atau keringanan yang bersifat membatasi batas-batas dari kekuasaan dan tenaga politis, yang menggambarkan pendukungan kebebasan individu.Teori itu juga bersifat membebaskan individu untuk bertindak sesuka hati sesuai kepentingan dirinya sendiri dan membiarkan semua individu untuk melakukan pekerjaan tanpa pembatasan yang nantinya dituntut untuk menghasilkan suatu hasil yang terbaik, yang cateris paribus, atau dengan kata lain, menyajikan suatu benda dengan batas minimum dapat diminati dan disukai oleh masyarakat (konsumen).

Ciri ekonomi liberal

* Semua sumber produksi adalah milik masyarakat individu.

* Masyarakat diberi kebebasan dalam memiliki sumber-sumber produksi.

* Pemerintah tidak ikut campur tangan secara langsung dalam kegiatan ekonomi.

* Masyarakat terbagi menjadi dua golongan, yaitu golongan pemilik sumber daya produksi dan masyarakat pekerja (buruh).

* Timbul persaingan dalam masyarakat, terutama dalam mencari keuntungan.

* Kegiatan selalu mempertimbangkan keadaan pasar.

* Pasar merupakan dasar setiap tindakan ekonomi.

* Biasanya barang-barang produksi yang dihasilkan bermutu tinggi

Disamping kesuksesannya dalam mengembangkan sektor industri, Brazil mengalami kerentanan ekonomi. Pertama karena Brazil sebelum tahun 2006 tergantung pada impor energi. Kesulitan dalam mengembangkan perekonomian juga terjadi karena industri tidak pernah menjadi benar-benar berkembang tanpa campur tangan pemerintah. Di tambah lagi, ketergantungan Brazil dengan dunia tidak bisa dilepaskan. Pada periode resesi dunia, krisis minyak 1973 yang kemudian berulang paa 1979, akumulasi hutang luar negeri begitu besar. Periode-periode dengan kanaikan inflasi yang pesat berkontribusi menciptakan kemajuan yang lamban di Brazil. Untuk merespon semua kesulitan ini, rezim-rezim pemerintahan sebelum Lula Da Silva lebih memilih skema kebijakan neo-liberal.

Skema standardnya, pemerintahan Brazil mengurangi perannya alm perencanaan ekonomi dan pembiayaan pembangunn industri baru. Pemerintah juga membuka privatisasi untuk perusahaan milik negara yang bergerak di industri baja, petroleum, listrik, dan telekomunikasi. Namun, usaha-usaha semacam ini tidak lagi dipercayai oleh sebagian rakyat karena pertumbuhan, bagaimana pun, tetap berjalan lambat. Sebagian yang lain menyoroti ketergantungan Brazil dengan rezim finansial dunia sebagai hal yang semestinya dikurangi. Kemandirian semestinya bisa dicapai. Dan oleh karenanya harus ada alternatif kepemimpinan yang menitikberatkan upaya pembangunan ekonomi yang mandiri. Lula da Silva dan Partido dos Trabalhadores

  • Brasil adalah Amerika Latin dari pasar terbesar, di dunia kelima-negara yang paling padat penduduknya di dunia dan kesepuluh-ekonomi terbesar dalam PDB istilah. Recession will constrain real income growth in 2009, before it resumes a path of more vigorous growth in 2010-13. Resesi akan memaksa nyata pertumbuhan pendapatan pada tahun 2009, sebelum kembali jalan yang lebih kuat dalam pertumbuhan 2010-13. Income inequality will continue to decline on the back of income support programmes, but will remain high. Ketidakmerataan pendapatan akan terus menurun di belakang program-program dukungan pendapatan, tapi akan tetap tinggi. Nonetheless, Brazil will become an increasingly attractive market. Namun, Indonesia akan menjadi pasar yang semakin menarik. Further consolidation of macroeconomic stability and enhanced opportunities in a large domestic market are key attractions, but relatively weak institutional effectiveness will continue to constrain competitiveness. Lebih lanjut dari konsolidasi stabilitas makro ekonomi dan peningkatan peluang besar di pasar domestik merupakan kunci wisata, tetapi relatif lemah kelembagaan efektivitas akan terus memaksa saing. Some progress in simplifying Brazil's burdensome tax regime is expected, but this will remain the weakest area of Brazil's business environment. Beberapa kemajuan dalam menyederhanakan Brasil memberatkan dari pajak rezim diharapkan, tetapi ini akan tetap menjadi wilayah Indonesia weakest dari lingkungan bisnis.

Key indicators Indikator kunci

2008 2008

2009 2009

2010 2010

2011 2011

2012 2012

2013 2013

Real GDP growth (%) Real GDP growth (%)

5.1 5,1

-1.5 -1,5

2.7 2,7

4.0 4,0

4.2 4,2

4.1 4,1

Consumer price inflation (av; %) Inflasi harga konsumen (av;%)

5.7 5,7

4.4 4,4

3.5 3,5

3.5 3,5

3.7 3,7

3.7 3,7

Total public-sector budget balance Total anggaran sektor publik-saldo

-1.5 -1,5

-2.0 -2,0

-1.8 -1,8

-2.2 -2,2

-2.2 -2,2

-2.2 -2,2

Current-account balance (% of GDP) Current-account balance (% dari PDB)

-1.8 -1,8

-1.2 -1,2

-1.4 -1,4

-1.6 -1,6

-1.5 -1,5

-1.4 -1,4

SELIC overnight rate (av; %)(d) SELIC semalam menilai (av;%) (d)

12.4 12,4

10.3 10,3

9.3 9,3

10.0 10,0

10.0 10,0

10.0 10,0

Exchange rate R:US$ (av) R Kurs: US $ (av)

1.83 1,83

2.26 2,26

2.23 2,23

2.19 2,19

2.22 2,22

2.22 2,22